
In this romance novel come to life, Meg Ryan plays the titular Kate, a career-driven market researcher who's been burned by love. Her science-obsessed ex-boyfriend (Liev Schreiber), who lives in the apartment upstairs from hers, says he's found a portal to travel through time and has brought a nineteenth-century nobleman, Leopold (Hugh Jackman), back with him. Kate's not buying it, and she angrily calls him crazy. But when her irritating ex is laid up in the hospital, she reluctantly assumes responsibility for the seemingly helpless stranger, Leopold. At first baffled by his forthrightness and old-fashioned chivalry complete with white horse! Kate soon finds herself falling in love with Leopold despite her best efforts. But if he doesn't return to his own century, the fabric of time could be disastrously altered. (Lionsgate Home Entertainment)

