Reap the Wild Wind

USA, 1942, 123 min

Directed by:

Cecil B. DeMille


William V. Skall, Victor Milner


Victor Young


Ray Milland, John Wayne, Paulette Goddard, Raymond Massey, Robert Preston, Lynne Overman, Susan Hayward, Charles Bickford, Walter Hampden, Louise Beavers (more)
(more professions)


Key West in 1940 plays host to a thriving salvage business based on the many wrecks of ships found in the vicinity. Always first on the scene is King Cutler (Raymond Massey), arousing the suspicions of ship owner Loxi Claiborne (Paulette Goddard). Loxi's suitor, Captain Jack Stuart (John Wayne), is also implicated in the scam, thanks to the accusations of lawyer Steve Tolliver (Raymond Milland), who wants Loxi for himself. (Universal Pictures UK)



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