
Inspired by an amazing true story Dolphin Tale is a film about "Winter", a rescued dolphin who has lost her tail in a crab trap, and Sawyer, the 11-year old boy who helps save her life. Sawyer meets her at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, a marine sanctuary where she lives, and rallies friends and family alike to save Winter by convincing a pioneering doctor to create a brand new tail and by raising enough money to save the sanctuary from closing. Dolphin Tale has a great cast including Morgan Freeman, Harry Connick Jr, and Ashley Judd alongside many wonderful animals. But the real star is Winter, who plays herself in the film, and today serves as a symbol of courage, perseverance and hope to millions of people. (Warner Bros. Home Entertainment)



User Format Languages Added Note
NewUniverse DVD
RomanOO7 Blu-ray
Marian21 Blu-ray