
Series premiere. In a bizarre twist of fate, a recently paroled master thief assumes the identity of Lucas Hood, sheriff-in-waiting of Banshee, PA - the same town where his former partner and lover, who changed her name to Carrie, relocated and remarried years ago. Keeping his history a secret as he awaits forged papers from an unlikely NYC ally named Job, Lucas befriends boxer-turned-bartender Sugar Bates, and settles into his new life as Banshee’s sheriff, overseeing deputies Emmett Yawners, Siobahn Kelly and Brock Lotus. Yearning for Carrie and itching for the thrill of thievery, who’s now the wife of attorney Gordon Hopewell and mother of two, Lucas inadvertently gets tangled up in the rampant corruption of shunned Amish gangster Kai Proctor, while keeping a vigilant eye out for Mr. Rabbit, the New York-based mob boss who wants revenge against Lucas and Carrie for the jewel heist that landed Lucas in prison. A party thrown by Proctor for the new sheriff is spoiled by a crasher - a member of the redneck Moody clan who despise Amish people in general and Kai in particular. (HBO UK)


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