
Wish I Was Here follows the life of Aidan Bloom (Zach Braff), an L.A-based mid-thirties husband, out-of-work actor and non-practicing Jew. Approaching a crisis point in his life, he s reluctant to give up on his dream of becoming an actor yet feels the strain he s putting on his wife, Sarah (Kate Hudson), the sole breadwinner. When his father (Mandy Patinkin), gets ill and they can no longer afford to send their kids (Joey King and Pierce Gagnon), to a private Hebrew school, Aidan is forced to re-evaluate everything. Not easy for a guy who still daydreams he s a spaceman. The talk of Sundance festival on its debut earlier this year, Wish I Was Here is renowned as one of the biggest Kickstarter projects ever created, and features soundtrack music from the likes of The Shins, Bon Iver, Coldplay, Cat Power and Paul Simon. (Koch Media)



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