
Ruth (Sonja Bennett) is thirty-five years old. She no longer has anything in common with her friends, all of whom are at various stages of pregnancy or parenthood and are openly critical of her wild lifestyle. After her drunken behaviour at a friend's baby shower, she is promptly and unceremoniously de-friended. When Ruth's sister Hillary-their Dad's favoured daughter - announces she is trying to have a baby, Ruth spontaneously (and falsely) blurts out that she is already pregnant. The situation gets worse when Ruth enlists the help of a co-worker, Pedro (Danny Trejo), who knows the truth but is prepared to back her story if she helps him keep his job. A sharply-written and entertaining comedic tale with enormous spirit and heart, "Preggoland" is a hilarious look at our societal obsession with babies and pregnancy, and what happens when it's finally time to grow up. (101 Films)

