Reality Lost

? %
Singapore, 2014, 61 min

Directed by:

Karol Jalochowski


Karol Jalochowski


Karol Jalochowski
(more professions)


What does quantum theory tell us about reality? Who are the scientists trying to unravel its puzzles? What practical things can we do with it? Can we dance it? An unconventional documentary approches a fascinating revolution in thinking. In the beginning of XXth century scientists, being able to operate molecules on atomic level, got bewildered. It turned out that there is no way to determine precisely all smallest bricks of matter. Moreover, their observation and measurement change them or even bring to life. Equations of quantum mechanics were beautiful and brought surprising answers to scientists to various questions about the nature of the microworld. But there was a price to pay... We discover this history in various, unexpected sceneries of the current civilisation. (Academia Film Olomouc)
