The Wiz

  • Australia The Wiz


The Wiz is probably the grandest take on L. Frank Baum's classic tale "The Wizard of Oz". The production team created sets with a sense of urban magic and spectacle: a New York subway station literally comes to life, and the massive plaza between the World Trade Centre towers is transformed into the Emerald City, featuring nearly 400 dancers with three costume changes. In an era before MTV, the camera stays nearly stationary as Diana Ross and Lena Horne vocally soar through their numbers. Their stage-like performances successfully make the leap to film, making The Wiz a testament to their singing talents and star presence. The then-thirty-something Ross raised some eyebrows playing the traditionally teenaged Dorothy, but she and her supporting cast (including Richard Pryor as the Wiz) carry the tunes with an infectious verve that will appeal to people of all ages. (Mediumrare Entertainment)

