
Trailer 2



There's only no way out. Catch-22 follows the adventures and misadventures of a U.S. air squadron in Italy during World War II. Yossarian (Christopher Abbott) is a bombardier, whose frantic obsession every time he goes up on a mission is "to come down alive". The real enemy for Yossarian and his rag-tag bunch of friends is the bureaucracy of the military, inverting logic at every turn. The pinnacle of this is Catch-22, a military by-law which states that if you fly your missions, you're crazy, and don't have to fly them; all you have to do is ask. But if you ask not to, then you're sane, and so you have to fly them. (Paramount Home Entertainment)


Reviews of this series by the user Necrotongue (7)

Catch-22 (2019) 

English I'm usually apprehensive about movies and series based on my favorite books, but this one was a nice surprise. Although the creators obviously didn’t follow the original to the letter, I didn't mind because I got a very well-filmed anti-war series with decent acting performances and a great combination of humor and drama. So, instead of the expected disappointment, I had a great time. ()

Episode 1 (2019) (E01) 

English Having read the book ages ago and watched the movie shortly after, I had my doubts about this series. But after diving into the pilot episode, I have to say, it held its own quite well. The depiction of bureaucracy as the same kind of menace in both peace and war hit home — it's a whole different kind of danger. The fall without permission and its consequences were priceless. The dialogue was simply hilarious. ()

Episode 2 (2019) (E02) 

English The somber mood was palpable throughout, but the creators cleverly sprinkled in humor to lighten the load. The promotion of Sergeant Major Major Major Major to Major Major Major Major perfectly captured the absurdity of military bureaucracy. ()

Episode 3 (2019) (E03) 

English The humor took a back seat as the creators opted for a more serious tone, and I must say, it paid off. While I can definitely relate to the absurdity of war and the frustration of mindless orders, I found myself losing some sympathy for Yossarian. The thought of having someone like him watching my back in a critical situation is a bit unsettling, to say the least. ()


Episode 4 (2019) (E04) 

English In this episode, the creators turned up the humor dial, and it was a blast. Mila's business trips across Europe and Africa were executed flawlessly, and I also enjoyed Yossarian's "overtime". But amidst the laughs, the episode didn't skimp on the serious moments, striking a perfect balance. ()

Episode 5 (2019) (E05) 

English The fifth episode was a standout for me. The debate about suitable punishment had me hooked from the start, and the nighttime raid by German bombers over the "green zone" was spot on. Plus, the introduction of General Scheisskopf hints at even more absurdity to come, and I'm here for it. ()

Episode 6 (2019) (E06) 

English The series wrapped up with a solid finale in the last episode. They balanced humor with drama and a touch of depressing atmosphere just right. The tone kept shifting, mixing moments of cheerfulness with seriousness seamlessly, and overall, it left a really good impression on me. ()