
Over a decade ago, a meteor shower brought destruction to the unsuspecting citizens of Smallville, Kansas. Since then, strange events have occurred, apparently because of the meteorites, which accompanied a spaceship carrying a toddler who grew into a teenager, Clark Kent (series star Tom Welling), in the care of his adoptive parents, Jonathan (series star John Schneider) and Martha (series star Annette O'Toole) Kent. Jonathan, Martha and Clark carefully hide the fact that Clark possesses unearthly powers, even from his best friends and classmates Chloe Sullivan (series star Allison Mack)--the intrepid investigative reporter for the Smallville High Torch--and straight-talking Pete Ross (series star Sam Jones III). Clark struggles with his feelings for both the beautiful girl next door, Lana Lang (series star Kristin Kreuk), and the more receptive Chloe. He also continues forging a remarkable friendship with mogul Lex Luthor (series star Michael Rosenbaum), son of the ruthless tycoon Lionel Luthor (series star John Glover). (Warner Bros. UK)



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