
Suspense thriller starring Kim Basinger as Jessica Martin, a biology teacher who is abducted by a ruthless kidnapper who threatens to murder her husband and son. Her kidnapper, Greer (Jason Statham) takes her to an isolated cabin where he destroys the only working phone, but she manages to reassemble it sufficiently to send out a call - which is picked up by college student Ryan (Chris Evans). The only trouble is, the battery is running low on his mobile phone - Jessica's only lifeline. (Entertainment in Video)


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English At the beginning it was a crazy trip. In the introduction I thought that Chris Evans was making fun of me when he deliberately walked around shirtless and tried to seduce Jessica Biel with cheesy pick-up lines. She wasn’t buying it, so I felt like I was going to watch something similar to Beverly Hills 90210. Then we get to see Kim Basinger who has a problem, and at that moment the movie becomes a Nokia commercial. It was probably good at the time but today it’s pretty laughable considering where Nokia is today and what it could do in 2004 according to the movie. I had no idea about many of these functions until watching the movie but okay. Over time, the flick turns into a pretty good action movie with the best the genre has to offer. In the end I was surprisingly satisfied – which is something I didn’t really expect. ()


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English In some places Cellular was unexpectedly surprising, but most of the movie is more or less one big cliché. But undemanding entertainment for a Friday evening. Evans is really very cool here while Statham is in a rather untraditional negative role. Also a small role for Jessica Biel was a nice surprise. How extraordinary that these three met a year later in the drama London. ()



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English Cellular is not a serious and suspenseful thriller by any stretch of the imagination. It’s rather just an overwrought joke of a movie with a lot of clichés and donkey bridges. And even some of the characters are copies of other characters from better and more famous films (for example, Macy’s cop is a facsimile of Duvall’s Prendergast from Falling Down). Kim Basinger is bland and Chris Evans is simply just there with his TV-series good looks. On the other hand, if you don’t take it seriously, but merely as a lively 100-minute Nokia commercial, you’ll have a good time, but definitely not a better time than producer Dean Devlin had after signing the contract with the company. ()


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English At first, I was quite scared about what Morgan, the debutant, had prepared for me in the script, because the main abduction happens before I even get a chance to settle down, and right from the beginning it presents an unbearably (and almost unwatchable) hysterical Kim Basinger and Chris Evans, who is trying to win back his ex-girlfriend. In the end, it turns out to be a mixture that alternates excellently built tension with logical lapses and adds a moderately high pile of clichés on top of it all. Fortunately, a likable character gradually emerges from the mess, so I had someone to cheer for, and thanks to Evans in particular, I have the impression of a better-than-average movie in Cellular. ()


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English But yeah, this movie has the right drive, it won't let you catch your breath, and that's exactly what it wanted to do. It lets you ride the wave of adrenaline. In the end, I wouldn't expect anything else from Ellis. He managed to make a properly claustrophobic and fast-paced film. Evans fits the role quite well, occasionally he even manages some humor, Kim Basinger is excellent for her part. Although she doesn't have much screen time, it seems like she gives it her all. William H. Macy is perfectly cast in terms of casting and he even gets some action scenes, which I also wouldn't expect from him. It's not the film of the year 2004, but as a popcorn entertainment, it's maybe better than drawn-out blockbusters. ()

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