
Martin Scorsese's acclaimed biopic of Jake La Motta, the boxing world champion who rose rapidly to fame but swiftly fell from grace. On the road to success, La Motta (Robert De Niro) marries the beautiful young Vickie (Cathy Moriarty), but the pressures of success soon make him paranoid and he ends up alienating both his wife and his brother, Joey (Joe Pesci). Shot entirely in black and white, the film features brutal fight scenes and sees an Oscar-winning performance by De Niro, who famously tailored his physical appearance to suit the role, putting on 5 pounds to portray the portly, middle-aged La Motta. (Warner Bros. Home Entertainment)



  • Winner
  • Nominations

Academy Awards

  • 1981 - Robert De Niro (Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role)
  • 1981 - Best Achievement in Film Editing
  • 1981 - Best Motion Picture of the Year
  • 1981 - Martin Scorsese (Best Achievement in Directing)
  • 1981 - Joe Pesci (Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role)
  • 1981 - Cathy Moriarty (Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role)
  • 1981 - Michael Chapman (Best Achievement in Cinematography)
  • 1981 - Best Achievement in Costume Design
  • 1981 - Best Sound Mixing
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