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DaViD´82American Made(2017) 

A worse feature episode of Narcos, made in a relaxed but inconsistently executed style of The Wolf of Wall Street or the Lord of War. So, it never finds its own path and so it crouches in the shadow of the above. What… (more)

D.MooreGoing the Distance(2010) 

An ordinary romantic spectacle with a likable central couple, an amusing Christina Applegate and nice opening credits, which are all pluses. But the film also has unnecessarily vulgar humor that I didn't find funny, a… (more)

kaylinAmerican Made(2017) 

Tom Cruise is showing us all that he is an entertaining actor and that he does what he does well. He chooses his films so as not to ruin his image, but I simply enjoy watching him, which is great. He’s lost none of his… (more)