
Aspiring documentary filmmakers Peter (Christopher Denham) and Lorna (Nicole Vicius) infiltrate a secret sect in order to expose Maggie (Brit Marling), the cult's charismatic leader. Intrigued by rumours about the cult, whose leader claims to be from the future, Peter and Lorna soon find themselves being led blindfold to a house in the San Fernando Valley. There, under the watchful eye of follower Klaus (Richard Wharton), the pair are finally introduced to a barefoot, linen-clad Maggie, who recounts her tale of how she was sent back from the year 2054 to warn a select few of the disaster about to unfold. Over the coming days and weeks the pair's initial scepticism begins to wane, as, for entirely different reasons, they both begin to fall under Maggie's strangely mesmerising spell. (20th Century Fox Home Entertainment)
