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Reviews (166)


Pulp Fiction (1994) 

English This movie was mind-boggling. I really don’t know what to make of it. The most accurate words to describe my emotions about the movie are "a boring watch". I’m sorry, but I really don’t know why everybody enthuses so much about this. About this really regular but overrated movie. The movie stands on rather uninspiring stories with a touch of brutality and a couple of gritty (and sometimes cringe-worthy) one-liners. I was unable to find any magic in this movie, and I doubt there is any. A massive disappointment and purely objective score of a mediocre 3*.


Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) 

English I’m not too keen on Marvel movies, but this movie got me from the very first shot. Combining good humor with criminals who become superheroes, with a raccoon and a tree in the main roles - that just has to be entertaining. Especially during some really serious scenes, where you find yourself having to laugh because Groot just looked at you... This isn’t enough for the highest score because, as a wrote already, I’m not a fan of comic book movies, but the Guardians really are very well-done. I can’t fault the special effects - they obviously did a lot of work on them and they seem very realistic. A sequel is in the works and I’m going to make sure I see it.


The Adventures of Tintin (2011) 

English I just loved the visuals in this movie. Full marks for the technical details. But as for the plot, it starts with great promise, but soon begins to stumble. This movie really must have been made only for little kids; but I didn’t like it one bit, and I like animation. Perhaps I was hoping it would be a bit more realistic, that it might have some scenes with shooting or killing - I have never seen anything like that in an animated movie. All of this crossed my mind more in the first half, which I was thrilled about, but as the movie went on, my enthusiasm began to wane. So I give it an average 3* - a feet-up watch for the afternoon.


Parade's End (2012) (series) 

English A well-made and pleasant mini series. This seems to be a feet-up movie, nothing challenging, but it has a good plot. The cast is perfect. The only thing that bothered me about the series was the timeline. I would have welcomed two episodes extra so it wouldn’t have to be so rushed and some of the side plots could have been developed upon. I have a weakness for this sort of British period piece, but I really felt this suffered from the big jumps in time between episodes. I would give this three and a half, but because I found the closing minutes entertaining, I’ll go to 4*


Anna Karenina (2012) 

English Absolutely captivating, riveting and enchanting. I must admit that I didn’t expect much from Anna; I was afraid that I was in for rather a kitsch, historical bed-bath, but how wrong I was. I was shocked and surprised by the movie; it holds utterly unexpected things in store, served up to you with such noblesse and mystery. I take my hat off to the entire stage. The idea of making it all take place inside a grand theatre was just incredible. To start with, it bothered me a little, but after a short while I got right into it - you’ll love it. The theatricality was complemented by excellent acting performances. Keira Knightley makes a very convincing and venerable Anna Karenina and I fell in love with her at first sight. The plot was a bit bland and ordinary by today’s standards, but toward the end of the 19th century, when it was written, it caused an uproar. I’m slightly disappointed that the filmmakers didn’t make a little more of Anna’s death, but that’s how it happened in the novel (at the end) and it didn’t spoil the movie for me all in all. And the portrayal of how Russian High Society, the creme de la creme, simply destroyed Anna is marvelous. I am thrilled and full of emotions.


American Hustle (2013) 

English A great watch with a catchy plot. I wasn’t bored for an instant watching this and there were even a couple of funny moments, but more or less this is a well-made detective movie with a hint of drama. I should say that I found the four main protagonists engrossing and they gave a good acting performance. And of course the ending had me thrilled - I really liked it and it was a surprise.


Divergent (2014) 

English An action sci-fi that will have you riveted. There are conflicting reviews for this movie, so I wasn’t expecting much from it, but I must say that I enjoyed Divergent, enjoying every minute of it. I was thrilled by the satisfying plot and high-quality acting performances, and I must say that this deserves a sequel. The ending suggests that this will be the case, and I’m all for it. The only thing that spoiled the overall impression was its similarity to Hunger Games. It isn’t an exact copy, mind you, but all the way through I was somehow reminded of that movie, although that didn’t affect the score I gave.


The Selfish Giant (2013) 

English First this was a movie that said very little to me, but then there were emotions, so many emotions. I’m just dumb-struck - a really powerful story that makes you really think. And the ending? Simply brilliant.


Love Song (2013) 

English A pleasant picture that will have you enthralled and not bored for a second. Begin Again is certainly one of the better movies with a musical theme that I know. It’s full of high-quality and very listenable music. The plot isn’t particularly dramatic, but why should it be?! Its beauty lies in its simplicity and, in combination with the great cast, this works just fine. Kiera Knightly was wonderful in the role of Gretta - it fitted her like a glove. I really enjoyed the pleasant afternoon I spent in the movie theater with this.


The Lego Movie (2014) 

English Pure animated kitsch. I have nothing against animated and action fantasy movies, but here there was just too much at once. And it’s been a long time since I got as bored as I did watching The Lego Movie. I don’t know why most other reviewers sing so many praises to this - the trailer promised much more, but it contained all the funny moments from the entire movie. This was a big disappointment for me.